Dried Flowers Arrangement in vase


Dare to be different with "Midnight Elegance," a striking arrangement that blends dramatic black crystal grass and sleek sword leaves in a modern white vase. Perfect for those who appreciate sophisticated, moody aesthetics, this arrangement commands attention while exuding a sense of mystery, power, and timeless style.
Styling Advice

Display your Fleur Eternal Frame on a mantel, bedside table, or entryway console for a timeless touch. For an elegant gallery wall, pair it with complementary decor like framed quotes or soft lighting. Whether placed on a bookshelf or desk, its preserved roses add warmth and romance to any space.

Size Information

Flower Count: 16-20 Forever Roses
Photo Dimension: 5x7
Frame Dimensions: 10x12"

Disclaimer: variations will occur since all of our arrangements are uniquely handmade by Fleur Reverie designer in Austin TX USA. Embrace individuality is our specialty.

Care Guide

Forever preserved flowers can last for years with proper care. Keep them away from direct sunlight and high humidity to maintain their beauty. To remove dust, gently clean with a hairdryer on a cool, low setting or use an air duster.
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