Grande Amour Bouquet


Featuring 9 oversized preserved roses, lush eucalyptus, and elegant dried flowers. Luxurious Grande Amour Bouquet is designed to last for years, blending timeless romance with modern sophistication. Perfect for valentine, weddings, anniversaries, and luxury home decor, it’s the ultimate gift for those who love bold, elegant floral arrangements.

Long-lasting, maintenance-free, and breathtakingly beautiful—experience floral luxury that never fades.

A bouquet bundle will be provided for you to arrange and insert into your vase with foam.

Styling Advice

Make a bold statement by displaying the Grande Amour Bouquet in a tall, elegant vase on a dining table, entryway console, or living room centerpiece. For a luxurious touch, pair it with soft lighting, neutral decor, or gold accents to highlight its grandeur. Avoid direct sunlight and humidity to maintain its beauty for years.

Size Information

Flower Count: 9 super sized Forever Roses
Dimensions: 16X18"

Disclaimer: variations will occur since all of our arrangements are uniquely handmade by Fleur Reverie designer in Austin TX USA. Embrace individuality is our specialty.

Care Guide

Forever preserved flowers can last for years with proper care. Keep them away from direct sunlight and high humidity to maintain their beauty. To remove dust, gently clean with a hairdryer on a cool, low setting or use an air duster.
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